5. Publish, Unpublish, and
After you finish making all your tweaks and changes, you
can choose to Publish them or you can Delete them and start over. You can
even revert to your previous specifications. To publish or unpublish your
changes, utilize the panel of buttons at the bottom of the Blog
Customization Tool:

Blog Customization Tool panel of publishing options.
Edit lets you alter a template. If you Save your changes in the
editing environment, it makes a copy of the file in your blog directory.
- Preview lets you see how your changes affect the appearance of
your blog.
- Publish makes all your changes appear on your live
- Unpublish reverts your site to the original template.
Note: your customized version is still available for editing and
- Delete removes your customizations and reverts to
the original template settings.
- Upload lets you replace the
selected file with whichever file you specify.
- View Source
gives you a clean copy of the source code for the specified file. This can
be useful if you prefer to edit your template locally and Upload it
- Cancel leaves your templates unchanged and returns you
to the main Blog Control Panel.
Note that when you edit and save
a .btpl page, a copy is created in your blog directory
(home_directory/blog_publish_name). You can then Upload or Download it as
you please using Blug Customization Tool's built-in functions, or via FTP
(access the FTP
Help Files for more information). And remember, file changes will not
appear on the live site until you Publish them.
Once you've
perfected your design using the Blog Customization Tool, use the Blog
Management tools (located at the bottom of the main Blog Control Panel) to
put the finishing touches on your site.
Blog Management Tools »